
Showing posts from December, 2018

Bangkok - things to do

This article covers the many places we visited in our 3-day short trip, and tips and suggestions to help you plan yours. To learn more about Bangkok, it's food and culture, visit  Bangkok - 1 full tummy, 2 happy feet, 1 enlightened soul. Chatuchak weekend market Chatuchak market is the largest market in Thailand. Note that it is only open on weekends, so plan your trip such that you get at least one day of the weekend to visit this place. If you love to shop and bargain and then shop again till you drop, this is the place! Prices are the cheapest compared to other areas in Bangkok. From clothes, to jewelry to shoes to home décor to pets – you name it and you have it there. Good luck finding it though. There are 15000 stalls and I did not find any map (though some friends had mentioned there is one. Where?). I just kept going to random lanes as I waded through it, so I accept, I may not have covered it most efficiently. It is spread out and this is one of the many hundreds

Bangkok - 1 full tummy, 2 happy feet, 1 enlightened soul.

Bangkok had been on my travel radar for long, but had always been pushed aside in the end because of it’s reputation as a sleazy destination for the-oh-so-typical-all-mens-groups. "What’s to do with the family there?," I wondered. But an upcoming long weekend along with extreme craving for good Thai food was what finally brought it back to the top of the list. Since we only had 3 full days, we decided to do just Bangkok. The rest of Thailand would have to wait. A couple of days in Bangkok and you realize how unfair it is, to judge this beautiful city based on just one aspect. My first impression of Bangkok when I landed was – “Oh this is so Mumbai”. When I drove a little to the outskirts, it reminded me of Goa, the canals (Khlongs) at the floating market reminded me of Kerala. Bangkok lacks the poshness of Singapore or Hong Kong, yet in it’s own, modest way it makes a mark. Some peculiarities of Bangkok - There is a lot of traffic on the roads, but there is no